Dekker postdoc fellowship for Bart Steensma

Dekker postdoc fellowship for Bart Steensma

August 23, 2022

The Dutch Heart Foundation (Hartstichting) has awarded a Dekker postdoc fellowship to Bart Steensma. The fellowship provides Bart with the opportunity to perform full-time research on wearable heart failure monitoring for the next 3 years. In the proposal ‘Radiostethoscope: reducing heart failure with wearable diagnostics’, Bart Steensma aims to introduce new wearable technique to monitor heart failure patients. With this technique, the radiostethoscope, a first clinical trial will be performed in collaboration with the cardiology department. Heart failure patients that have recently been treated or diagnosed in the UMC will undergo radiostethoscope measurements every month over the course of 6 months. The radiostethoscope measurements will be compared to echocardiography, signal changes over time will be compared to the clinical status of the patient. For more information, please see the website of UMC Utrecht and the Dutch Heart Foundation.

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